This was a 56" x 44" montage from my Faces in Nature Installation, that was originally shown at "Faces" in downtown Northampton. Shortly before I went out to the Grand Canyon as the January Artist in Residence there, the South Rim AIR program generously offered me a solo exhibition to coincide with my residency. So I shipped this hot-from-the-framer's montage via UPS, along with some other work. The montage arrived in 2 pieces; the edges looked as if they'd been chewed by dinosaurs. I managed to salvage nine contiguous images (from the upper lefthand corner), and it's currently being reframed.
This little triptych from the "Tides" installation on the Bay of Fundy was a much-delayed birthday present for my friend Caroline, a sculptor who lives in Shropshire, England. These incandescent, mushroom-like garden forms were her gift to me:

This montage is called "Marys of the Northeast," from the Mary Memorial series. From the top, left to right, the petrographs were shot in different rivers in Chester, Vermont (August 2009); Northampton, Mass (July 2009); Williamsburg, Mass (November 2009); Doorloo, New York (May 2010); Williamsburg, Mass (November 2009); and Northampton, Mass (July 2009).