Monday, January 12, 2015

A Grand Canyon Narrative

Finally! I've been threatening to make an artist's book from the petrograph images
I created at the Grand Canyon--and I did at last. 


But I didn't do it alone. Amy Borezo, of Shelter Bookworks in Orange, Mass, built a beautiful
case and cover for my 29 images and essay entitled "Erosion," which frames the well of
images in four segments. Each accordion-pleated segment slips out of its mylar envelope to 
be read on its own, or in accordance with the other sections of text. The driving idea is that because the Grand Canyon is public and accessible to all, we'd attempt to make the book as inexpensive and accessible as we could. It's nearly impossible to make an artist's book for $50 or under, but Amy and I kept the materials simple and achieved our goal.

AfterShadows is in an edition of 50 copies, each of which costs $50. Thanks for following
the progress, from 2011 until now! Here are some images of the book.

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